Monday, September 24, 2007

THE WAR by Ken Burns

At this moment I am watching The War on PBS. I would urge everyone to watch this.

I think our education system is sourly lacking in the telling of this war. Ken Burns seems to make sure to cover all parts of the war that the US experienced. And not just the good stuff. Things like bad armor on the tanks. Vengeance killing of prisoners because of torture and death of Americans.
The internment camps for the Japanese in the US. Prisoners in Japan.

What is incredible and maybe totally unheard of in this day: Manufactures turning there factories over to war production. They only made 134 new cars during the run of WWII. The Ford factory could produce a Fighting Fortress, having over a million parts, every 63 minutes.

I intend to watch all the episodes. We should all watch this and remember the sacrifice our parents and or grandparents made during that time. We really have had it way easy.


Matt said...

I saw that this was on and wanted to watch it, but there's just so many things to watch and not enough time! Maybe I'll DVR it to watch later.

Aaron said...

I read that the hometown of the Sullivan brothers was incorrectly stated as being Fredricksburg, Iowa, instead of Waterloo. Anyway, I really should catch this program.

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This is great info to know.