Monday, May 21, 2007

Just some thoughts before bed time.

I knew this blogging thing would be a little difficult to get started. Finding the time to write, having something to write about, and thinking seriously about the things I feel "safe" sharing with the world at large as well as the few friends that know about this little piece of the web world I have called a home.

Lots have happened since I last made an effort to speak. Went to visit some friends down in Arkansas. Had a really good time. Note: EVERYONE should experience a Brazilian style steak house at least once in there lifetime. SERIOUSLY!! Words cannot convey the carnal pleasure of having hunks of meat brought to your table on swords and carved right on to your plate. Yum. The bad news came later when we got back home and found out our friend didn't get the job he had for the last college year on a permanent basic. Sorry, that didn't make much sense, but it's late and I'm not going to fix it right now.

The Monday before we left on this trip, my best friend once again had his wife kind of flip out on him. Hated leaving and not being able to be there for support, but he has some other friends that have been and still are there for him. He is out of the house, staying with a friend, and hopefully he will take the steps he needs to to get out of this destructive marriage he is in.

Oh, the friend who lost his position in Arkansas? He had and interview at Cornell college in Mt. Vernon and got an offer right away. Up yours Razorbacks. We hates them. We hates them forever. Well maybe that is a little too strong. ;-)

Get this! I'm going to be delivering a sermon at my church on the 27th of May. Yes, that is this Sunday. According to the church schedule, it is Pentecost Sunday. That is when the Holy Spirit came to Jesus' disciples. See Acts 2 for more details. Not only will I be delivering it at one service, but two services. I know what I will be talking about, just need to sit down and get it organized so I don't ramble on and bore the congregation to death.

Well, that's it for right now. I don't know if anyone else will be reading this, but here it is, out here to share with the world. Maybe I'll comment at a later date about my favorite shows: Greys Anatomy or Heroes. Or about my excitement and anticipation for the final Harry Potter book. We shall see. Till then, Good Night.

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